Hazel Rowley
Hazel Rowley, brought up in England and Australia, lives in New York City. She is currently writing a book called *Franklin and Eleanor Roosevelt: An Extraordinary Marriage*, to be published by Farrar, Straus and Giroux. Hazel Rowley's essays have appeared four times in *The Best Australian Essays*. Her essay "Beauvoir, Brazil, and 'Christina T'" was published in *BookForum* in April/May 2007. Back in December 1996, she mourned the dramatic changes in tertiary education in an article published in *The Australian*, called "Universities are losing on points." She has published articles in *Partisan Review*,* Mississippi Quarterly*, *Antioch Review*, *Contemporary Literature*, *Prose Studies*, *a/b: Auto/Biography Studies*, *Texas Studies in Literature and Language*, *Southerly and Westerly*, and has reviewed books for *The Times Literary Supplement* (UK),* The London Times Higher Education Supplement*, *Boston Globe*,* Washington Post*, *The Nation*, and *L.A. Times*. A passionate speaker, she has appeared at numerous book festivals and literary events in the United States, Canada, the UK, France, and Australia. Her recent speaking engagements include the Athenaeum (Boston), the Smithsonian (Washington), the New York Society Library, the Alliance Francaise, Chicago, and the Sydney Writers' Festival.