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Hayat Imam

consultant, international development

Hayat Imam, a Muslim feminist, is an active member of Dorchester People for Peace and a long-time proponent of renewable energy. In the late 1970's, she participated with Clamshell Alliance in resisting the construction of the Seabrook nuclear power plant and she co-wrote a book called *Watermelons Not War!* Professionally, she has worked internationally on women's development projects with non-government organizations and as a consultant for the United Nations system. Hayat has a deep commitment to promoting the economic and political capacity of women so they can build sustainable change in their lives and the lives of their children. She worked for BRAC, an NGO in Bangladesh that has contributed profoundly to the education and poverty reduction of thousands of women and their families, and which now has affiliates in other South Asian countries, including Afghanistan and Sri Lanka. In the Philippines, Hayat was on the Board of ISIS International-Manila, founded to provide regional and global advocacy on gender issues in media and alternative communications, and to promote dialogues to enhance collaboration within the global women's movement. She is a former executive director of the Boston Women's Fund, which is committed to funding social change projects organized by women and girls, and was instrumental in developing and launching its 2000 Club that helped build an endowment through grassroots fundraising.