Guillermo Chacon
President & CEO of the Latino AIDS Commission
As President of the Latino Commission on AIDS, Guillermo Chacon has a broad history in fighting the disease on a variety of levels within his community. Chacon pioneered the First National Latino/Hispanic AIDS Leadership Summit in 2008. He played a key role in launching the National Latino AIDS Awareness Day in 2003. As founder of a Latino religious leadership program that has been running for the past 14 years, Chacon initiated the Commission’s New York Citywide initiative to build health ministries at churches/congregations in low-income Latino communities that provide much needed HIV prevention and health promotion. In December 2009, he was re-elected to the leadership of the Federal AIDS Policy Partnership. Chacon now serves as the principal media spokesperson for the Commission in the promotion of HIV/AIDS education and prevention. He is also board member for The Salvadorean American National Network, Salud Latina/Latino Health in Chicago, Solidaridad Humana in Long Island and the New York Immigration Coalition in New York State. He has studied teaching at the National University of El Salvador and is an undergraduate student at Fordham University in the Organizational Leadership Program.