Greg Lukianoff
president, Foundation for Individual Rights in Education
Greg Lukianoff is the president of the Foundation for Individual Rights in Education (FIRE) and has been with FIRE since 2001, when he was hired to be the organization's first director of legal and public advocacy. Greg is a member of the State Bar of California and the bar of the Supreme Court of the United States. Greg has published articles in *The Los Angeles Times*, *the Boston Globe*, *The New York Post*, *The Stanford Technology Law Review*, T*he Chronicle of Higher Education*, *Fraternal Law*, *Inside Higher Ed*, *Reason*, *Free Inquiry*, and numerous other publications. He is a blogger for the *Huffington Post* and authored a chapter in Templeton Press's anthology *New Threats to Freedom*, edited by Adam Bellow. Greg is a frequent guest on local and national syndicated radio programs, has represented FIRE on national television shows-including *CBS Evening News*, *The O'Reilly Factor*, *MSNBC's Dr. Nancy*, *Glenn Beck*, *The Abrams Report*, *Hannity and Colmes*, and *Buchanan and Press*-and has testified before the U.S. Senate about free speech issues on America's campuses. In 2008 he became the first ever recipient of the Playboy Foundation Freedom of Expression Award and in 2010 he received Ford Hall Forum's Louis P. and Evelyn Smith First Amendment Award on behalf of FIRE. Greg is a graduate of American University and of Stanford Law School, where he focused on First Amendment and constitutional law. Before joining FIRE, Greg practiced law in Northern California, interned at the ACLU of Northern California and the Organization for Aid to Refugees in Prague, Czech Republic, and was the development manager of the EnvironMentors Project in Washington, D.C. Greg, along with Harvey A. Silverglate and David French, is a co-author of FIRE's *Guide to Free Speech on Campus*. Greg is also a proud member of the board of directors of Philadelphia's Theatre Exile.
First Amendment Award: Foundation for Individual Rights in Education
Partner:Ford Hall Forum