Fernanda Rossi
documentary story consultant
Internationally renowned author, speaker and story consultant Fernanda Rossi has doctored over 300 documentaries, fiction scripts and fundraising trailers, among them the 2009 Academy Award Nominated *The Garden* by Scott Hamilton Kennedy. Others include the 2007 Academy Award Nominated *Recycled Life* by Leslie Iwerks and the theatrically-released *Billy the Kid* by Jennifer Venditti. Along with her private consultations, she gives lectures and seminars worldwide on story structure and fundraising demos, such as her signature workshops Doctoring your Doc and Trailer Mechanics. Ms. Rossi shares her knowledge and research of storytelling and the creative process in articles in trade publications, such as the monthly columns Ask the Doc Doctor published by *SF360*; Story Strategies, at *The Independent* and the case studies Documentary Clinic published by *DER*, the Documentary Educational Resources. She is also the author of the book *Trailer Mechanics: A Guide to Making Your Documentary Fundraising Trailer*. In addition to having being an editor for 8 years, her own projects as a producer/director include the documentary *Inventing a Girl: An Experience in Homeschooling*, premiered at the Contemporary Issues Film Festival and winner of the Women's Vision Award. Her film script* Picture Me!* was invited to the 2005 Latin American Sundance Screenwriters Laboratory.