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Elizabeth Kolbert

staff writer, The New Yorker

Elizabeth Kolbert has been a staff writer at *The New Yorker* since 1999. Her stories for the magazine have included political profiles, book reviews, Comment pieces, and extensive writing on climate change. Her three-part series on global warming, "The Climate of Man," won the 2006 National Magazine Award for Public Interest, the 2005 American Association for the Advancement of Science Journalism Award, and the 2006 National Academies Communication Award. Kolbert came to the magazine from the *New York Times*, where she wrote the "Metro Matters" column and, from 1992 to 1997, was a political and media reporter. She also contributed articles to the *New York Times Magazine* on subjects ranging from the use of focus groups in elections to the New York water supply. From 1988 to 1991, she was the *New York Times* Albany Bureau Chief. Kolbert began working for the *Times* in 1984, as a stringer based in Germany, and moved to the *Metro* desk in 1985. Her first book, *The Prophet of Love: And Other Tales of Power and Deceit*, was published in 2004. Her second book is called *Field Notes from a Catastrophe*.