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Dr. Kimberly Alexander

Director of Museum Studies, History Department , University of New Hampshire

Dr. Kimberly Alexander is on the faculty of the History Department at the University of New Hampshire, where she is Director of Museum Studies and Senior Lecturer and the recipient of a Faculty Excellence in Teaching Award (2021). Alexander is currently a James Hayes Fellow for 2023-2025, as the Project Director for the UNH Flax-to-Linen project, awarded by the UNH Center for the Humanities. She has held curatorial positions at several New England Museums, including the MIT Museum, the Peabody Essex Museum and Strawbery Banke. Her most recent books are Treasures Afoot: Shoe Stories from the Georgian Era (2018, Johns Hopkins University Press) which won an Honor Award from Historic New England in 2019), and Fashioning the New England Family (2021, Massachusetts Historical Society).