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Donald Yacovone


Donald Yacovone Ph.D., is the former Manager of Research and Program Development at the Hutchins Center's W.E.B. Du Bois Institute at Harvard University, and a recipient of the W.E.B. Du Bois Medal, the highest honor awarded by Harvard in the field of African and African American studies. He earned his Ph.D. from the Claremont Graduate University and has taught at Pitzer College, the University of Arizona, and Millersville University of Pennsylvania. He was an editor at the Black Abolitionist Papers project before becoming the senior associate editor at the Massachusetts Historical Society, where he founded and edited the Massachusetts Historical Review. An expert in the antislavery movement, Yacovone is about to publish his eighth book: \_Wendell Phillips, Social Justice and the Powers of the Past\_, a co-edited essay collection for Louisiana State University Press. His contribution is entitled: "Race, Radicalism, and Remembering Wendell Phillips." His previous work includes \_Samuel Joseph May and the Dilemmas of the Liberal Persuasion\_ (Temple); \_A Voice of Thunder: The Civil War Letters of George E. Stephens\_ (Illinois), \_Lincoln on Race and Slavery\_ (Princeton), with Henry Louis Gates, Jr., and in 2013 co-authored with Gates, \_The African Americans: Many Rivers to Cross\_ (SmileyBooks), the companion volume to the popular PBS series.