Deborah Cramer
science writer, author
Deborah Cramer lives with her family at the edge of a salt marsh in Gloucester, Massachusetts, where she awaits the return of the alewives into tidal creeks each spring, and writes about science, nature, and the environment. She was awarded the science writing fellowship at the Dibner Institute for the History of Science and Technology at MIT in 2005-2006, and is currently a visiting scholar at MIT’s Earth System Initiative. She has written two books, Great Waters: An Atlantic Passage (W.W. Norton 2001) and Smithsonian Ocean: Our Water Our World (2008), and has lectured about her writing and the sea on both sides of the Atlantic, at science and maritime museums, at major environmental and teachers' organizations, and at undergraduate and graduate schools in oceanography and journalism.
The Narrow Edge: A Tiny Bird, an Ancient Crab and an Epic Journey
Partner:New England Aquarium