Christopher Preston
Professor, Univeristy of Montana
Dr. Christopher J. Preston teaches and writes in environmental philosophy at the University of Montana, Missoula. He is author of The Synthetic Age: Outdesigning Evolution, Resurrecting Species, and Reengineering Our World (2018), Saving Creation: Nature and Faith in the Life of Holmes Rolston, III (2009), and Grounding Knowledge: Environmental Philosophy, Epistemology, and Place (2003), as well as co-editor of an anthology titled Nature, Value, and Duty (2007) and editor of a special journal issue of Ethics and the Environment on “Epistemology and Environmental Philosophy” (2005). His published articles include work on value theory, ecofeminist ethics, public health and environmentalism, environmental epistemology, and the embodied mind. He also writes on the ethics of emerging technologies such as nanotechnology, synthetic biology, and geoengineering. Raised in England and now living in Montana, he has particular interest in the idea of “sense of place.”