Christine Rosen
Senior Editor, The New Atlantis
**Christine Rosen** is a senior editor of [The New Atlantis](www.thenewatlantis.com ""), where she writes about the social and cultural impact of technology, as well as bioethics and the history of genetics. Ms. Rosen’s past books have included Preaching Eugenics: Religious Leaders and the American Eugenics Movement, a history of the ethical and religious debates surrounding the eugenics movement in the United States (Oxford University Press, 2004), and My Fundamentalist Education, the story of a Christian fundamentalist school in Florida (PublicAffairs, 2005). She is the editor of Acculturated, a web magazine dedicated to pop culture and virtue that grew out of the book Acculturated (Templeton, 2011), which Ms. Rosen edited (with Naomi Schaefer Riley). She is a former Future Tense Fellow at the New America Foundation, and she also writes a monthly column for Commentary magazine, called “The Way We Live Now.” Ms. Rosen’s essays and reviews have appeared in publications such as The New York Times Magazine, The Wall Street Journal, The Washington Post, The New Republic, The Weekly Standard, Policy Review, The American Historical Review, and The New England Journal of Medicine. She holds a Ph.D. in History from Emory University and is an adjunct scholar at the American Enterprise Institute. She lives with her children in Washington, D.C.