Charles Mann
Charles Mann is a correspondent for *The Atlantic Monthly, Science, and Wired*, he has covered the intersection of science, technology, and commerce for many newspapers and magazines here and abroad, including *BioScience*, *The Boston Globe*, *Fortune*, *Geo* (Germany), *The New York Times* (magazine, op-ed, book review), *Panorama* (Italy), *Paris-Match* (France), *Quark* (Japan), *Smithsonian*, *Der Stern* (Germany), *Technology Review*, *Vanity Fair* and *The Washington Post* (magazine, op-ed, book review). Mann's most recent book, *1491*, won the U.S. National Academy of Sciences Keck award for the best book of the year. In addition to *1491*, he has co-written four other books: *The Second Creation: Makers of the Revolution in 20th-Century Physics* (1986; rev. ed., 1995); *The Aspirin Wars: Money, Medicine, and 100 Years of Rampant Competition* (1991), *Noahs Choice: The Future of Endangered Species* (1995), and *At Large: The Strange Case of the Internets Biggest Invasion* (1998). He has also written for CD-ROMs, HBO, and the television show *Law and Order*, and was the text editorial coordinator for the internationally best-selling photographic projects *Material World* (1994), *Women in the Material World* (1996), and *Hungry Planet* (2005). A three-time National Magazine Award finalist, he has received writing awards from the American Bar Association, the American Institute of Physics, the Alfred P. Sloan Foundation, the Margaret Sanger Foundation and the Lannan Foundation (a 2006 Literary Fellowship). He is now working on a companion volume to *1491*; an early excerpt appeared in *National Geographic* in May 2007.