Annalee Newitz
Annalee Newitz is a freelance writer and a contributing editor at *Wired* magazine. In 2004 and 2005, she was the policy analyst at the Electronic Frontier Foundation. Based on her doctoral research at Berkeley, her forthcoming book, *Pretend We're Dead: Capitalist Monsters in American Pop Culture*, is about capitalism and monster movies. Formerly, Newitz was the culture editor at* The San Francisco Bay Guardian*. After being named a Knight Science Journalism Fellow, she spent the 2002-2003 academic year as a research fellow at MIT. Her work has appeared in magazines and papers such as *Wired*, *Popular Science*, *Salon*, *The San Francisco Bay Guardian*, and several academic journals and anthologies. Newitz's writing focuses on pop culture and technology, from the politics of open source software to hacker subcultures. Her weekly syndicated column, Techsploitation, is about the ways that media mutates and reiterates the problems of everyday life. Newitz's next book will deal with the cultural impact of technology.