Allen Weinstein
archivist, United States
In February 2005, historian Allen Weinstein was confirmed by the U.S. Senate and began his service as the 9th Archivist of the United States, leading the National Archives and Records Administration (NARA). From 1985 to 2003, he served as President of The Center for Democracy, a non-profit foundation that he created in 1985 to promote and strengthen the democratic process, based in Washington, DC. His international awards include the United Nations Peace Medal (1986) for "efforts to promote peace, dialogue and free elections in several critical parts of the world"; The Council of Europe's Silver Medal (twice, in 1990 and 1996), presented by its Parliamentary Assembly, for "outstanding assistance and guidance over many years"; and awards from the presidents of Nicaragua and Romania for assistance in their countries democratization processes. He was also University Professor and Professor of History at Boston University from 1985-89, University Professor at Georgetown University from 1981-1984 and, from 1981 to 1983, Executive Editor of *The Washington Quarterly* at Georgetown's Center for Strategic and International Studies. He served as a member of *The Washington Post* editorial staff in 1981. From 1966-81 he was Professor of History at Smith College and Chairman of its American Studies Program.