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Allan Jones

CEO, London Climate Change Agency

Allan is former Chief Executive Officer of the London Climate Change Agency (LCCA), a company owned by the London Development Agency and led by the Mayor as Chairman. Allan is also an Executive Director of the London ESCO and Chief Technologist of the London Development Agency. Prior to his appointment, Allan was Woking Borough Council's Director of Thameswey Ltd., developing and implementing projects through its public/private joint venture Energy Services Company Thameswey Energy Ltd., the first companies of their type in the UK. He has over 30 years experience in the housing, property, building services, energy, water, waste, transport and climate change sectors. During his time at Woking, Allan reduced CO2 emissions by 77.5% from 1990 levels and undertook groundbreaking work on energy and water efficiency, private wire CHP cogeneration and trigeneration decentralised energy systems, environmentally friendly waste recycling/recovery and energy from waste technologies, alternative fuels for transport, renewable energy and fuel cells. Allan was appointed a Member of the British Empire in 1999 for services to energy and water efficiency and was instrumental in Woking gaining the Queen's Award for Enterprise: Sustainable Development 2001, the only local authority ever to receive a Queen's Award for Enterprise.