Adam Urbanski
president, Rochester Teachers Union
A former high school teacher and college professor, Dr. Urbanski is an active proponent of change in education. In Rochester, he proposed and designed an internship program for new teachers; a peer review intervention plan; a career ladder; and a homework hot-line service for students. Dr. Urbanski is the director of the newly established Teacher Union Reform Network (TURN), aimed at creating a new vision of teachers' unions that supports needed changes in education. Dr. Urbanski has appeared on several nationally-broadcast television programs, including the NBC *Today Show*, ABC *News World Report*, CBS *Newswatch*, and PBS *MacNeil-Lehrer News Hour*. Articles about him and his work have appeared in *U.S. News and World Report*, *Teacher Magazine*, *EducationWeek*, *The New York Times*, *The American Teacher*, *Newsweek*, *Fortune Magazine*, *Business Week*, *Los Angeles Times*, and many other publications.