Weymouth Mayor Robert Hedlund went on social media this week to announce he renamed the body of water off the coast of the city. In
the post
The post garnered more than 3,000 likes and hundreds of shares and comments within 48 hours.
Hedlund said the reactions have been mostly positive, and people seemed to know he was satirizing President Donald Trump’s name change of the Gulf of Mexico to the Gulf of America.
“Dangerous move. We have numerous armadas available from a number of undisclosed waterfront bases. Those naval assets are fortified by our vigorous ground forces. The gauntlet has been thrown,” wrote Mitch Paine.
Hedlund fired back: “It’s on! South Shore Yacht Club has been activated as a Naval Base to respond to this aggressive act.”
In an interview with GBH News, Hedlund quipped, “if President Trump can rename bodies of water, why can’t I?” He stuck with the bit throughout the interview. “We are thinking of annexing the old Hingham Shipyard and bringing it back to life — and building big, beautiful ships, beautiful ships,” laughed Hedlund.
Hingham residents we talked to said “not so fast!”
Cynthia Gosnell and her husband had a long conversation about the name change after seeing the post. They decided on a name of their own. “It should be called South Shore Bay because it includes Quincy, Hingham, Hull and Weymouth.”
Nikki Trombley said renaming the body of water “doesn’t sound like a very good plan.”
Other residents didn’t even know the current name. “What’s it called now?” said Joe Rixner, before a moment of realization. “The Hingham Bay. It should stay that way.”
Hedlund made it clear he does not, in fact, have the power to change the name. So for now, it remains Hingham Bay.