In every state in the country, lawmakers have to file a budget.

But there’s one state that is often the last to do it: Massachusetts. Lawmakers here still have not finished that job. GBH’s State House reporter Katie Lannan joined Morning Edition co-host Jeremy Siegel to talk about what’s at stake and where negotiations stand.

Here’s what to know:

Massachusetts is often among the last states in the nation to pass a budget

Massachusetts lawmakers have missed their July 1 deadline to pass a budget for the last 13 years.

“There’s a number of reasons, including just the pace that legislating takes generally in Massachusetts, [which] tends to be drawn out,” Lannan said.

Unlike other states, Massachusetts has fewer consequences for tardy legislating.

“In a lot of other states, if they don’t get a budget in place by the start of their fiscal year, they’re at risk of a government shutdown: All programs and services stop,” Lannan said. “That’s not a concern in Massachusetts. We have the habit here of passing one-month temporary budgets. So without a big, scary deadline — like we see in some states, like we see at the congressional level — there’s a bit more wiggle room to get it done.”

How the budget process works:

First, Gov. Maura Healey releases her budget proposal. This year, it had proposals for some spending cuts to reflect a flattening of state revenues — but overall proposed spending was up 3.7%.

Then the state House and Senate release their own proposals, which this year hew closely to Healey’s with some notable departures.

“They [House and Senate] introduce along the way their own priorities,” Lannan said. “So, for instance, in the House budget, that’s really a bigger investment in the MBTA. In the Senate budget, they want to go big on education with things like free community college for all students. But they stuck pretty closely to the general contours of Healey’s budget.”

Neither budget raises or cuts taxes, Lannan said. Both are close to Healey’s $58 billion bottom line.

“One notable difference is that while the governor proposed cutting spending on MassHealth’s personal care attendant program, the Legislature is not interested in doing that after hearing pushback from people who say those services are really important,” Lannan said.

Revenue from the millionaires’ tax must go to education, transportation

While overall tax revenues are about the same as they were last year, new revenue from a tax vote passed in 2022 targeting income over $1 million is about double what lawmakers expected.

“The money does have to go to education and transportation, and both budgets would spend on continuing the universal free school meal program,” Lannan said. “There’s grants for childcare providers, early literacy and financial aid for higher education.”

By law, the money has to go to projects related to transportation and education.

Both legislative houses want to put money toward local road and bridge repairs, and to support for the T to roll out reduced fares for low-income riders, Lannan said.

In addition, House members want to put funding toward helping the T adapt to climate change and train more workers. Senate members want to fund community college and make rides free across regional transit authorities.

“Lawmakers will have to settle how they’re going to spend that finite pool of money,” Lannan said.

More budget notes: The state is looking to close the MCI-Concord prison

One thing the Healey, House and Senate budgets have in common: Closing the medium security men’s prison at MCI-Concord, which first opened in 1878, and redeveloping the area.

“The House sees that as an opportunity to really redevelop that area, fix the Route 2 rotary that gives drivers headaches out that way,” Lannan said.

The House also wants to bring the state lottery online and use that to fund child care investments, Lannan said. The Senate adopted proposals that would task state officials with developing a curriculum to teach kids, age-appropriately, about antisemitism.

“It’s not many major, major policy shifts, but there’s a lot of moving parts there,” Lannan said.