After a failed bid for president in 2020, author Marianne Williamson is back on the campaign trail.
"The things that I talked about four years ago are even more urgent today," the Democratic candidate told Boston Public Radio Monday in New Hampshire, one day ahead of the state's primary. "Somebody's got to talk about those things and present to the American people the option of an economic U-turn."
Williamson's platform is
comprised of policies
To accomplish major changes, Williamson believes Democrats need to be more hard-nosed in their positions. She claims if she were president, she would have had "sharper elbows" when it came to Biden's Build Back Better plan, for instance.
"I'd have the sharp elbows of a Lyndon Johnson," says Marianne Williamson. "This is not a personal attack on Joe Biden. It's just about a kind of politics that is definitely inadequate to the moment of trying to beat Donald Trump." @gbhnews is live from the #NHPrimary:
— GBH News (@GBHNews) January 22, 2024
"Democrats need to get our spine back and stop kowtowing to the forces that would make these issues so difficult to solve," she said.
Williamson said the fact she has not held political office makes her an ideal candidate to go up against former President Donald Trump, the presumptive Republican nominee.
"If we want to beat Donald Trump, I would argue that the last thing we need is a status quo politician. I'm a kind of homeopathic remedy. I've got the same kind of energy going on that he does. That's why I'm the one to take him on," she said.
Williamson added that Trump employs psychology, not traditional politics.
"He's very clever and very strong at pulling people down," Williamson said. "We need a pro at lifting people up."
When asked what her goal is with polling demonstrating she's likely not going to be the nominee, she said what happens at the polls is out of her control.
"I cannot control how people vote. I cannot control how the media elite sees me," she said.
Further, she clarified that she's not worried about people turning up to vote for Trump. Instead, she worries about those who aren't enthusiastically voting against him.
"People who love Donald Trump are going to vote for Donald Trump. We could indict him 91 more times. They're going to vote for him, even if he's in prison," she said. "The danger for us is people staying home. The danger for us is people who are not inspired by someone who says, 'Let's continue with what's happening now' because they're drowning. We need to inspire people and motivate people."