Updated at 1:37 p.m.

Massachusetts Sen. Elizabeth Warren said she's "all in" to help Democratic Presidential Nominee Joe Biden get elected and she expressed hope that despite the enormous challenges facing the U.S., a Biden-Harris administration can move the country forward.

Her comments came during a wide-ranging interview on Boston Public Radio Thursday, during which she touched on a variety of topics including the state's looming eviction crisis and investment in the arts.

"This is a dark chapter in American history," she told hosts Jim Braude and Jared Bowen. "But it is not a moment without hope. ... I'm all in to get Joe and Kamala elected, to get a Democratic Senate, hold on to Democratic House, elect Democrats up and down the ballot, and build the America of our best values. I think we have this opportunity."

Warren struck a similar tone Wednesday night, when she addressed the nation in support of Democratic Presidential Nominee Joe Biden. Speaking from the Springfield Early Childhood Education Center on night three of the Democratic National Convention, Warren painted a dire picture of what she said is President Donald Trump's failed response to the coronavirus pandemic and urged her supporters to "be in the fight" to get Biden to the White House.

"COVID-19 was Trump’s biggest test. He failed miserably," she said. "This crisis is on Donald Trump and the Republicans who enable him. On Nov. 3, we hold them all accountable."

Warren praised Biden's platform, referencing what she became known for during her own presidential campaign — having a plethora of detailed plans. She focused her speech on the issue of child care, which she described as deeply personal, sharing her own struggle to find help when she was raising young children.

"We build infrastructure like roads, bridges and communications systems so that people can work," she said. "It’s time to recognize that child care is part of the basic infrastructure of this nation — it’s infrastructure for families."

On Thursday, Warren reiterated that those challenging Trump's power and proposing a different vision for the country's future have a difficult road ahead of them, pointing to the administration's efforts to dismantle the post office before an election in which the majority of Americans are expected to vote by mail.

"How difficult is it going to be to wrest power away from Donald Trump? Really? That’s the question? It’s gonna be hard," she said. "He’s gonna pull out all the stops to try to cheat, trick, do whatever he has to do to get himself named president. ... He knows that if everybody votes, Donald Trump is going to lose."

When asked if she has spoken to Biden about a formal role in his potential administration, she said she would not discuss her personal conversations with Biden. Instead, she said she wants to "get stuff done" and play whatever role will allow her to best do that.

"What I'm looking for is the way to make the changes we need to make this country into a place that works better, not just for those at the top, but that works better for everyone," she said, refusing to comment on rumors that she might be tapped by a potential Biden administration for a cabinet position. "It's the only reason I'm there."

Warren was briefly the frontrunner in the Democratic primary but ended her own bid for the nomination in March after big Super Tuesday losses, including a defeat in her home state. But that didn't preclude Massachusetts delegates from gathering Wednesday evening at Suffolk Downs to support her with a drive-in, socially distanced watch party.

Night three of the DNC also featured speeches from former Secretary of State and presidential candidate Hillary Clinton, former President Barack Obama and Democratic Vice Presidential Nominee Kamala Harris.