Is voter suppression a thing of the past? Nope: it's alive and growing. Can you recognize voter suppression when you see it? In this episode of Internet Expert, Above the Noise Host Myles Bess and YouTuber and writer Jackson Bird hit the Internet to learn a little about the history of voter suppression and find out how it’s affecting elections right here and now.

What to do if someone is trying to prevent you or someone else from voting:

Report intimidation to the Election Protection Hotline at 1-866-OUR-VOTE or 1-888-VE-Y-VOTA (en Español).
More info:

Sites visited in this episode:

Library of Congress voter suppression timeline

Shelby County v. Holder decision

National Conference of State Legislatures voter ID laws by state

ACLU felony disenfranchisement map

Brennan Center “New Voting Restrictions in America” map

Brennan Center “Purges: A Growing Threat to the Right to Vote” report

GBH News “At Least A Dozen Mail Sorting Machines Have Already Been Removed In Massachusetts, Postal Union Officials Say”

USPS Equipment Reduction Plan, May 15, 2020 legislation search