With Massachusetts primary polls closing at 8 p.m. on Tuesday, Ari Rabin-Havt, Vermont Sen. Bernie Sanders' deputy campaign manager, spoke on Boston Public Radio to give his final pitch for the Vermont Senator.
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"Bernie Sanders has run a campaign that is by the working class, for the working class and of the working class,” Rabin-Havt said. "We are a campaign that believes that health care is a right. We are a campaign that believes people shouldn’t be struggling to pay for college. We are a campaign that believes billionaires and corporations should pay their fair taxes. And we’re a campaign that can get that all done.”
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Rabin-Havt said his candidate is the best suited to unite Democratic voters come November.
"Will beating Donald Trump be easy? Of course not. It will be difficult for every candidate,” Rabin-Havt said. "But we believe Bernie Sanders’ message, that the working class of this country — black, white, Latino, Asian, Native American — [need] to unite and fight for their right, is a strong message to win this campaign.”