There is plenty of talk about overhauling our health care system this election season, and, in recent weeks, attention has focused on Sen. Elizabeth Warren’s “Medicare for All” proposal.
A majority of Americans (almost 70 percent) think that cutting health care costs should be
a top priority for politicians
Christy Ford Chapin
The United States spends about 18 percent of its
Gross Domestic Product on medical care,
Extra health care spending does not mean a healthier population, either. The U.S. lags behind many other wealthy nations on outcomes such as infant mortality and life expectancy, according to the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD).
According to Chapin, the problem with Warren’s “Medicare for All” plan is that while Medicare currently works relatively well for a small part of the population — primarily those who are 65 and older — because it is “built on the insurance company model," she foresees cost problems if everyone in the country is brought on board.
Chapin also thinks that "Medicare for All" will be hard to sell to elderly voters who may worry that bringing so many other people into the program will only make things worse for them.
“When we introduce some kind of universal health care system, it has to be in a way that restructures the market, so that costs come down and ... people aren’t as fearful about rationing,” she said.
Jonathan Cohn, a senior national correspondent at HuffPost and author of the book “Sick: The Untold Story of America's Health Care Crisis — and the People Who Pay the Price,” is convinced that forces that have hindered major reform efforts in the past will be back.
“Any health care effort that involves controlling or even curbing costs is going to affect the health care industry adversely, and so either you’re going to have to negotiate with them or you’re going to have to overcome their resistance,” he said.
The importance of winning over interest groups is a lesson that President Bill Clinton found out the hard way with his failed health care reform effort in the 1990s. President Barack Obama’s Affordable Care Act was ultimately successful because some of the veterans of the Clinton fight learned from the mistakes of the past and worked hard to make deals with different health industry groups and conservative members of Congress, according to Cohn.
Today, organizations including the American Hospital Association and the American Medical Association
oppose “Medicare for All.”
The AMA invented our current insurance-based approach back in the 1930s to prevent government-managed health care, according to Chapin. To truly reduce costs, she suggests that legislators must intervene now and “roll back regulations to allow market innovation outside the insurance company model.”
Elizabeth Ross is the senior producer of Innovation Hub. Follow her on Twitter: @eross6