In a key ballot initiative, Florida will restore voting rights to citizens convicted of certain felonies after they have served their sentences, including prison terms, parole and probationary periods, AP has projected.
Voting rights will not be restored to those convicted of murder or felony sexual offenses.
1.5 million people are currently barred
Felons who have served their sentences in Florida have in recent years been forced to appeal to the governor and his Cabinet for the restoration of their voting rights.
While more than
150,000 Floridians
The current system significantly affects African-Americans in the state:
More than 20 percent
In February, a
federal judge declared
"In Florida, elected, partisan officials have extraordinary authority to grant or withhold the right to vote from hundreds of thousands of people without any constraints, guidelines, or standards,"
the judge said
The ballot initiative for
Amendment 4
"This is an issue that transcends rural-urban-suburban divide. It transcends the partisan divide," Neil Volz of the Florida Rights Restoration Coalition
told NPR earlier this year
Indeed, 64 percent of Floridians agreed to restore felons' voting rights, according to the Associated Press. The ballot initiative required a supermajority of 60 percent support to pass.
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