Gov. Deval Patrick, assessing the state’s blizzard response, visited with transportation officials to see what work is left.
Patrick dropped by the Department of Transportation offices in South Boston, and recapped the two major decisions he had to make over weekend: whether to declare a state of emergency, and whether to ban cars from the roads for the first time in decades.
He stood by those decisions, especially after the road disasters that resulted from the storm in New York and Connecticut.
What’s left, he said, is getting power restored to the 35,000 on the coast who are still without it. He said the state is supporting and urging utility companies in whatever way possible. And he said the Civil Air Patrol is flying over coastal areas this week to survey and estimate damage costs to determine whether the state is eligible for federal aid.
The Department of Transportation said there are still a number of highway ramps and roadsides that continue to need plowing and sanding.