What the Candidates Think  

Obama: "The way for us to deal with Medicare in particular is to lower health care costs." ( Presidential Debate, 10/3/12.) 

Romney: "What I support is no change to current retirees and near retirees to Medicare." ( Presidential Debate, 10/3/12.)

By 2024, Medicare will only be able to pay 87% of expected costs. (socialsecurity.gov)

Think More About It

The  2012 annual report by the Trustees of the Social Security and Medicare trust funds shows that the current and projected financial status of the programs continues to worsen. 

The AARP looks at the pros and cons of current proposals to change Medicare. 

Long term care is an important issue for seniors, but it has not received much attention this election season. The National Council on Aging gives 8 reasons why candidates should be talking about it.