recent study
“Technology has now progressed to the point where it really is possible to imagine that we could stop burning things in general, and ending the campfire in your kitchen might be a good beginning to that,” said Bill McKibben, an environmentalist and writer, on Boston Public Radio Tuesday.
The Consumer Product Safety Commission is now weighing new regulations on indoor air pollution from gas stoves based on the study — which, as McKibben put it, “occassioned the next entirely predictable right-wing nonsense freakout.” The news cycle churned as Republican officials
railed against the Biden administration
“No one actually — probably sadly — even is trying to take away anyone’s gas stove,” McKibben said.
“If people are worried about gas in their kitchen, and they should be, there’s a quick, easy, temporary fix,” he added.
Electric induction cooktops generate energy from electromagnetic fields below their glass cooktop surfaces. Electrical currents are then transferred directly to magnetic cookware, making it easy for the cooktop itself to heat up and cool down faster — and saving energy and money in the process.
Electricity costs aren’t as variable as oil and gas, either, making them a “better bet” in the future.
Rebates and tax credits
“I used one of them for years before I had the whole range installed,” McKibben said. “They work great.”