April 1, 2022, may go down as a pivotal day in the history of American unions.
In a result that could reverberate in workplaces across the U.S., the independent
Amazon Labor Union
On the same day,
Starbucks Workers United
Meanwhile, a re-run election at a Amazon factory in Bessemer, Alabama, will
depend on the outcome of several hundred contested ballots
Something is definitely happening in the labor movement.
A different kind of organizing
As a
scholar of the labor movement
Inspired by pro-union sentiment in political movements, such as
Bernie Sanders’ presidential bids
Instead, the campaigns have involved a significant degree of “self-organization” – that is, workers “talking union” to each other in the warehouse and coffee shops and reaching out to colleagues in other shops in the same city and across the nation.
This marks a sea change
A labor revival
Perhaps more important than the victories at Starbucks and Amazon themselves are their potential for creating a sense of optimism and enthusiasm around union organizing, especially among younger workers.
The elections follow
years of union decline in the U.S.
Prior to the COVID-19 pandemic, these recent labor wins would probably have seemed unimaginable. Powerful, wealthy
corporations like Amazon
has said it has been
The significance of the recent victories is not primarily about the
8,000 new union members
Historic precedents show that labor mobilization can be infectious.
In 1936 and 1937, workers at the Flint plant of General Motors
brought the powerful auto-marker to its knees
Seizing the moment
pandemic has created an opportunity for unions
After working on the front lines for over two years, many essential workers such as those at Amazon and Starbucks
believe they have not been adequately rewarded
This appears to have helped spur
the popularity
The homegrown nature of these campaigns deprives Amazon and Starbucks of employing a decades-old trope at the heart of corporate anti-union campaigns: that a
union is an external “third party
But those arguments mostly ring hollow
when the people doing the unionizing
It has the effect of nullifying that central argument of anti-union campaigns despite the
many millions of dollars
An unfavorable legal landscape
This “self-organization” at Starbucks and Amazon is consistent with what was envisioned by the authors of the
1935 Wagner Act
The National Labor Relations Board’s first chair, J. Warren Madden, understood that self-organization could be fatally undermined if corporations were allowed to engage in anti-union pressure tactics:
“Upon this fundamental principle – that an employer shall keep his hands off the self-organization of employees – the entire structure of the act rests,”
he wrote
Over the past half century, anti-union corporations and their consultants and law firms – assisted by
Republican-controlled NLRBs
But for the long-term decline in union membership to be reversed, I believe pro-union workers will need stronger protections. Labor law reform is essential if the
almost 50% of non-union American workers
Dispelling fear, futility and apathy
Lack of popular interest
has long been an obstacle
Meaningful labor law reform is unlikely to happen unless people are engaged with the issues, understand them and believe they have a stake in the outcome.
media interest in the campaigns at Starbucks and Amazon
It isn’t known where this latest labor movement – or moment – will lead. It could evaporate or it may just spark a wave of organizing across the low-wage service sector, stimulating a national debate over workers’ rights in the process.
The biggest weapons that anti-union corporations have in suppressing labor momentum are the fear of retaliation and a sense that unionization is futile. The recent successes show unionizing no longer seems so frightening or so futile.
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John Logan
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The Conversation