A flight attendant on a Southwest Airlines plane
lost two teeth
The Port of San Diego Harbor Police Department
The incident sparked widespread outrage, but for flight attendants it was just the latest example of an uptick in travelers becoming disorderly and in some cases turning violent against those tasked with enforcing federal and airline rules.
The FAA is keeping track of attacks
The number of unruly passengers on U.S flights has taken off in 2021, with many more people boarding planes as the pandemic eases.
According to the
Federal Aviation Administration
The FAA has not always tracked unruly passenger reports but began keeping a tally late last year as it started to observe a surge in complaints, specifically around non-compliance with the face covering mandate, said FAA spokesperson Ian Gregor.
"Based on our experience, we can say with confidence that the number of reports we've received during the past several months are significantly higher than the numbers we've seen in the past," Gregor said in an email.
The FAA does, however, keep data on the number of "unruly passenger"
Flight attendant unions say the hostility is unprecedented
Sara Nelson, president of the Association of Flight Attendants-CWA, which represents nearly 50,000 flight attendants across 17 airlines, said the level of hostility toward flight attendants is unprecedented.
"We've never before seen aggression and violence on our planes like we have in the past five months," Nelson said in a statement. "The constant combative attitude over wearing masks is exhausting and sometimes horrific for the people who have been on the frontlines of this pandemic for over a year."
Nelson said the strained situation is causing some flight attendants to quit.
The surge in unruly passenger complaints is also getting the attention of federal officials, who have warned travelers to be on their best behavior in airports and on planes or risk facing the consequences.
"Let me be clear in underscoring something," said Homeland Security Secretary
Alejandro Mayorkas said
Just this week the FAA announced that it was
proposing civil penalties
In an
open letter
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