Today on Boston Public Radio:
– Former Mass. Treasurer and state gubernatorial candidate Shannon O’Brien discussed presumptive Democratic presidential nominee Joe Biden’s choice of Kamala Harris as his running mate.
– Michael Curry talked about Biden’s pick and how Harris on the ticket might influence voters. Curry is the deputy CEO and general council for the Mass. League of Community Health Centers and a member of the NAACP board of directors, where he also chairs the board’s advocacy and policy committee.
– We opened our lines to talk with listeners about Harris joining Biden’s presidential ticket.
– Medical ethicist Art Caplan discussed evolving attitudes around faster, less effective coronavirus testing, and Russian President Vladimir Putin’s ethically dubious claims about Russia's supposed COVID-19 vaccine.
– Colby College sociologist and former police officer Neil Gross talked about why he believes progressives looking to effect change in police forces should consider joining them.
– MIT economist Jon Gruber talked about President Trump’s proposals for coronavirus relief, and offered his take on benefits of the $600 per week unemployment benefits that recently ran out.
– We returned to listeners to hear more of your thoughts on Harris as Biden's running mate.
– Richard Pickering and Kate Sheehan from Plimoth Plantation discussed the return of the newly-restored Mayflower II, and the museum's ongoing effort to raise awareness about the impact of the English settlers on the local Wampanoag population.