While calls across the nation to reform police departments seem to be gaining steam, President Donald Trump
Political commentator Sue O'Connell considered on Boston Public Radio on Friday: Is there a method to his dig-in-the-heels approach? O'Connell said that if Trump's actions are considered outside the realm of his re-election campaign, they may make more sense.
"Even when Eugene McCarthy left office, even when Richard Nixon left office, they still had somewhere between a 20-30 percent approval rating. So if we work under the assumption that Donald Trump's going to have a hard time getting re-elected, then what's his next play? What's this con man's next revenue stream?" she said. "I believe he had planned all along not to win and we were going to have Donald Trump Facebook TV and we'd have these rolling rallies everywhere."
O'Connell is co-publisher of Bay Windows and South End News and political commentator at NECN.