The clear winner out of Super Tuesday was former Vice President Joe Biden, who won 10 out of Tuesday's 14 primary elections. Offering their thoughts on the former Delaware senator’s victory was Steve Kerrigan and Jennifer Nassour, who joined Boston Public Radio on Wednesday.

"What a comeback kid this is,” Nassour said.

The former Vice President trailed in polls for months, before regaining momentum with a Saturday win in South Carolina.

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Kerrigan agreed, lamenting other pundits who credit Biden's win to other players in the 2020 race.

“Everyone trying to take Biden’s victory away from Biden,” he said. "Trying to make it about ‘oh, there’s a whole other conflagration of things that happened, 'cause sleepy Joe couldn’t possibly have won 10 out of 14 states last night' – three that Bernie Sanders won in 2016.”

"We have all been on this end of the world,” Nassour added, “where everyone wants to take credit when someone wins and no one want to go anywhere near it when someone loses."

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“At the end of the day,” she said, "56% of our electorate are unenrolled voters. Those people said ‘I’m gonna go, and I’m gonna go vote as a Democrat today because I wanna make a difference in this race. I wanna vote for the person who could best go up against Donald Trump.’ And that was clearly Joe Biden."

Jennifer Nassour is a former Chairwoman of the Mass GOP and founder of Conservative Women For A Better Future. Steve Kerrigan is the CEO of the Edward M. Kennedy Community Health Center and former CEO of the DNC.