On Monday, Massachusetts Senator Elizabeth Warren joined Boston Public Radio to make her final case to Mass. voters heading into the Super Tuesday primary.

“We need someone with a track record of getting it done,” Warren said, deploying an oft-repeated talking point.

"This is about power,” she said. "It’s about who’s got it, and who’s never had it — and how we make some changes in 2020.”

The former schoolteacher-turned-Harvard-professor finished fifth in Saturday’s South Carolina primary, behind both Tom Steyer and Pete Buttigieg, who dropped out in the days following. Despite the disappointing finish, Warren’s campaign has said they still have a path to nomination.

“I'm out there fighting to get enough delegates to win it on the first ballot– that’s exactly what I’m doing,” Warren said. "One of the consequences of my making the decision early on not to spend a lot of time fundraising … is that I got to go a lot of places. I’ve been to 30 states and Puerto Rico, and we’ve built out operations in all of these states.”

Warren ended the conversation by reflecting on her time running for Senate in Massachusetts, and the coalitions that stood behind her during her 2012 campaign.

"The people of Massachusetts have been so incredibly generous to me, and have put me in this position to be able to get out and make these fights, and I’m just deeply, deeply grateful,” she said.