Opponents of abortion rights have a long history of supporting abortion bans with three major exceptions: rape, incest, or when a woman's life is at risk.
But, fueled by momentum from the passage of a restrictive abortion law in Alabama, a coalition of anti-abortion rights groups will release a letter Wednesday asking Republican officials to "reconsider decades-old talking points" on exceptions to such laws.
"We understand that issues like rape and incest are difficult topics to tackle; nevertheless, it is our view that the value of human life is not determined by the circumstances of one's conception or birth," said a draft of the letter provided to NPR by Students for Life of America, which led the effort.
The letter, which is addressed to Republican National Committee Chairwoman Ronna Romney McDaniel, goes on: "A child conceived in rape is still a child. We don't blame children for other matters outside their control. Why should we do so here?"
The document praises
Alabama's law
In an interview, Students for Life President Kristan Hawkins said she hopes to see more Republican lawmakers support abortion bans that do not include exceptions for rape and incest.
"I think it's time to start having the conversation," Hawkins said. "There is a fear in the Republican Party about talking about rape at all ... But I don't think it's something we should be afraid of."
Hawkins noted that some Republicans are hesitant to wade into the subject because of the memory of former Missouri Congressman Todd Akin,
who bungled
"If it's a legitimate rape, the female body has ways to try to shut that whole thing down," Akin said. He went on to lose the race.
But Hawkins said she and others in the movement now see a new opportunity to push for near-total abortion bans.
That position is at odds with statements in recent days by several leading Republicans
, including RNC Chairwoman McDaniel
"Personally, I would have the exceptions," McDaniel told CNN. "That's my personal belief. But we are a party that is a broad tent."
President Trump also appeared to distance himself from laws like Alabama's, tweeting, "As most people know, and for those who would like to know, I am strongly Pro-Life, with the three exceptions - Rape, Incest and protecting the Life of the mother – the same position taken by Ronald Reagan."
As the Washington Post
has noted
The official GOP platform generally takes an anti-abortion-rights position, and does not spell out exceptions for rape or incest.
But many leading Republicans who oppose abortion rights
have historically allowed
Abandoning that position "would mark a major shift in the public terms of debate," Ziegler said in an e-mail. "We are seeing a major bid for strategic power being made by absolutists."
Travis Weber, vice president for policy at the Family Research Council, who signed the letter, said he sees momentum for more restrictive abortion laws.
"There is no time like now to continue to conversation about protecting all human life, no matter how defenseless and helpless," Weber wrote in a message.
Other signers of the letter urging Republicans to rethink their messaging on rape and incest exceptions include leaders of groups including the March for Life, Operation Rescue, Priests for Life, and
Abby Johnson
"Now is the time for those who value the sanctity of human life to be consistent in our beliefs and policies," Johnson said in a statement. "Either we believe that all life has infinite value and worth, or we don't."
But other leading anti-abortion groups did not sign the letter, among them the Susan B. Anthony List, which has
played an influential role
Steve Aden of Americans United for Life said he had not seen the document, but expressed skepticism about removing rape and incest exceptions.
"The pro-life movement, state by state, has made real progress in getting the Supreme Court and the state legislatures to see that Roe should be reconsidered, but I don't see the need or the wisdom of these absolutist positions," Aden said, referring to the 1973 decision that legalized abortion nationwide.
The letter to McDaniel comes as Charlotte Pence, the daughter of Vice President Mike Pence, penned an op-ed in the Washington Times expressing support for Alabama's law. "Personally, I would not encourage a friend to get an abortion if she suffered the horrendous evil of rape or incest because I care about her child — and her. I do not believe abortion provides healing," she writes.
Republican pollster and strategist Glen Bolger said the current debates over abortion – including efforts in states like New York to expand abortion rights – mark the end of what he describes as "a long-time undeclared truce" on abortion. In an email, Bolger said advocates on both sides of the abortion debate are pushing harder, with many reproductive rights groups working to remove abortion restrictions, and many abortion rights opponents promoting bans with virtually no exceptions.
"It is risky strategy," Bolger said, because Americans'
views on abortion are more nuanced
"Any time you try to lead the public where they are not willing to go, it can boomerang politically," Bolger said.
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