Guerneville, Calif., "is officially an island," the Sonoma County Sheriff's Office said, after heavy rains caused the Russian River to rise nearly 14 feet above its flood stage Wednesday night. The high waters isolated both Guerneville and nearby Monte Rio.
The Russian River's flood stage in Guerneville is 32 feet. But it reached nearly 46 feet Wednesday night, and the National Weather Service predicted major flood conditions will continue Thursday, because it will take time for all that water to recede.
As of Thursday morning, waters were finally beginning to come down and there had been no calls for emergency rescues in Guerneville overnight, the sheriff's office said.
The Sonoma County Sheriff's Office issued a mandatory evacuation order Tuesday afternoon, when the river was first predicted to surpass its flood stage. By Wednesday morning, the department said, "Guerneville is land locked. You cannot get into or out of town. All roads leading to the community are flooded."
The river crested at 45.38 feet, the NWS said, announcing preliminary results Thursday morning. The water flooded thousands of buildings in Sonoma County, member station KQED's
Molly Peterson
Near a bridge crossing the Russian River, Peterson spoke to local resident Darryl Cooper, who braved mud and high water to launch a boat from his truck. Cooper was on a mission, he told Peterson.
"I'm gonna deliver two packs of smokes to my friend who's on an island right now — in his house," Cooper said. "And I've got canoes. We're gonna canoe down River Boulevard."
Residents used anything they could find to get out and about and to reach people who were stranded. As roadways became streams and rivers, cars were replaced by paddleboards, canoes, rowboats — and in at least one case, an
oar-driven dumpster
The water reached near-historic high levels, falling a few feet short of earlier devastating floods that have hit Guerneville, some 75 miles northwest of San Francisco.
The Russian River's highest recorded level was measured at 48.56 feet during a catastrophic flood in February 1986. Torrential rain from winter storms also brought dangerously high water as recently as 2006. The current floods are by far the worst in the past five years; 2017's flood stage topped out at 37.82 feet.
The National Weather Service categorizes any floods above 45 feet as
"disastrous" for Guerneville
In Monte Rio, Fire Chief Steve Baxman told Peterson that crews have been working to clear roads — but new landslides keep closing new stretches.
"Our world is getting smaller," Baxman said.
Guerneville's downtown is lined with shops and restaurants; dozens of wineries are a short drive away. But some of those vineyards are now under water, thanks to storms that brought intense rainfall to the area.
Flood warnings prompted officials to urge some 4,000 people to seek higher ground in the Guerneville and Monte Rio; similar calls went out in the nearby community of Yolo, where
Cache Creek's waters
Long sections of Highway 116 were closed, either covered by floodwaters or cut off by mudslides. While Guerneville seemed to have the worst rain and flooding, other towns also faced damaging water and evacuations, as the Russian, Napa, Sacramento and other rivers topped their flood stages.
"Rivers and creeks continued to rise in Napa Wednesday,"
KQED reports
As the storm brought rain and snow to Northern California, an avalanche in the Sierra Nevada range forced two Amtrak trains to stop in their tracks and reverse direction,
The Associated Press reports
The state highway patrol used a helicopter to take a woman out of the small city's downtown Wednesday, in what was called a medical emergency. The National Guard also sent help rescue teams in Guerneville and Monte Rio, in the form of six high-water vehicles.
There's no rain in Thursday's forecast for Guerneville, but there's a chance of heavy rainfall Friday night, the National Weather Service said. There's also a chance for more showers through next Wednesday.
Residents of Guerneville and other affected communities must now wait for the water to go away, so they can clean up the mud and take stock of the damage.
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