As Christine Blasey Ford testified before the Senate Judiciary Committee on Thursday, people across the U.S. tuned in to watch her tell the emotional story of her alleged sexual assault by Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavavaugh more than 30 years ago.

Across the country — on the radio, television or the phones they carried — Americans listened.

On airplanes, they watched. And some cried.

They watched on C-SPAN, where some viewers began calling in with their own stories of sexual assault.

They watched in classrooms, where some students were the same ages as Ford or Kavanaugh, who were both high schoolers when the assault allegedly took place.

And, of course, they watched in Washington, D.C.

Recognizing the cultural moment, House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi, D-Calif., and Sen. Bob Menendez, D-N.J., shared photos of themselves watching Ford's testimony.

After nearly 2 1/2 hours, Ford's testimony and questioning ended. Kavanaugh arrived and sat before the committee to deliver his own testimony and submit to questioning.

And America watched.

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