Today on Boston Public Radio:

— CNN analyst Juliette Kayyem talked about President Trump’s latest restrictions on immigration, and U.S. governors pushing for what she calls a “careless" reopening of state economies.

— MIT economist Jon Gruber discussed structural issues in America's nursing home industry, and how funding problems are exacerbating the crisis for seniors in need of care.

— We opened our lines to ask listeners: are you still watching Trump’s daily coronavirus briefings?

— We aired live audio from Gov. Baker’s Wednesday press conference.

— Medical ethicist Art Caplan discussed the shortage of protective gear in the U.S., and Georgia Gov. Brian Kemp’s push to reopen nonessential business in his state.

— Food writer Corby Kummer discussed whether grocery clerks are heroes or victims in the coronavirus pandemic, and the dubious future of the Whole Foods hot bar.