Today on Boston Public Radio:

NBC “Meet the Press” moderator Chuck Todd weighed in on the Trump administration’s handling of coronavirus, and Tuesday night’s Democratic primaries.

— Dr. Nahid Bhadelia, medical director of the Special Pathogens Unit at B.U.’s School of Medicine, talked about coronavirus and took questions from listeners.

— Former Suffolk County Sheriff and Secretary of Public Safety Andrea Cabral discussed the 23-year prison sentence for disgraced Hollywood mogul Harvey Weinstein, and the threat coronavirus poses to prison populations.

— "Boston Globe" columnist Alex Beam talked about how the rich are prepping for coronavirus and his latest Globe piece on the popularity of Bernie Sanders in the wealthy city of Newton.

— Tech writer Andy Ihnatko discussed best methods for sanitizing your tech and news that Amazon will begin selling their cashier-less "Go” system to retailers.

— Former Massachusetts Secretary of Education Paul Reville explained how schools and universities are responding to coronavirus and a vote Wednesday in the Senate to overturn a ruling on debt forgiveness for students misled by for-profit colleges.

— We opened our lines to talk with callers about everything to do with coronavirus.