Bloomberg News Says It Won’t Investigate Michael Bloomberg: After Michael Bloomberg entered the 2020 Democratic presidential primary, the outlet announced that it would continue its long-standing policy of not investigating its owner — and therefore, none of the other Democratic candidates either.
Reporting On Why Pete Buttigieg Lags Among Black Voters: South Bend Mayor and presidential candidate Pete Buttigieg has gained momentum in Democratic primary polls but still lags among black voters in South Carolina. Whether Buttigieg’s sexual orientation plays any role has set off a bitter media debate.
The Hoax About Kidnappers In White Vans Is Back: The Mayor of Baltimore spread a false rumor this week about kidnappers prowling the city in white vans, citing postings he saw on Facebook. Still, the media covered it as news.
Rants & Raves: 12/06/19: The panel reviews this week in media.
On this week’s edition of Beat The Press, Emily Rooney was joined by former Wall Street Journal reporter Roy Harris, Lylah Alphonse of U.S. News & World Report, Dan Kennedy of Northeastern University, and Callie Crossley of WGBH News.