Boston-based employees for an international electronics manufacturing company say they’re losing their jobs tomorrow, a week earlier than previously announced — and without the support of severance packages.

About 50 soon-to-be laid off workers for East West Manufacturing, the majority of whom are Chinese and Vietnamese immigrants, have been seeking support for their cause from community advocates and members of the Boston City Council. The body passed a resolution in support of the aggrieved employees on Wednesday and bolstered their demands of severance pay.

East West Manufacturing is a manufacturing, design, and distribution company with operations in the United States, Asia, and Central America. The company announced in late April that they would be closing the plant in South Boston on June 21. The company did not respond to GBH News’ requests for comment.

Chinese Progressive Association Executive Director Karen Chen said East West Manufacturing isn’t responding to workers’ requests for assistance in transitioning to new jobs.

“The workers in the plant are not getting severance pay. I think a lot of the workers — it’s very new for them in terms of the unemployment system, and then you know there’s going to be assistance needed to get health insurance, and they’re interested in getting vocational training,” she said on Thursday.

Chen said workers spent the pandemic helping to manufacture life-saving equipment like ventilators, but are being ignored.

Xue Ming Ma, 55, said she is worried about what the layoff will mean for her and her 13-year-old son. Since arriving from China in 2021, she said they’ve struggled to make ends meet in the Boston area, where she rents a room in a shared apartment for $800 a month.

“I felt really hopeless when I first heard that because as a single parent, having to handle life and make ends meet, it’s already hard enough,” she said in Chinese through an interpreter. “And without a job, I felt like everything all of a sudden was crashing down on me.”

She’s been working with the company in assembly for almost three years, for ten hours a day, 40 hours a week, and makes $15.80 an hour.

Ma said workers might be able to get an additional week of wages because of the abrupt one-week advance of the factory’s closing.

“Other than that, no severance pay, no nothing.” She said it doesn’t seem like a hard ask, and expressed concern for her colleagues who have worked at the factory for over 20 years and were nearing retirement.

Councilor Ed Flynn, who voted in favor of the resolution in support of the workers, said he went twice to the company’s Boston office to try to talk to management.

“These workers were making parts to support medical professionals, including ambulances or health care providers. And they were working during the pandemic to ensure these products that they were making could get into the hands of our first responders,” Flynn said.

He noted that the company rents space in a city-owned building, but isn’t replying to requests from elected city officials. Flynn said it was particularly disconcerting that workers seeking references to prove their employment and work ethic have been ignored.

“They’re treating these workers like garbage, throwing them out on the street completely,” he said.

The employees are eligible for unemployment insurance, but are dealing with significant language barriers in accessing that, advocates say.