Today on Boston Public Radio:

We opened the lines to hear from listeners three years into the COVID-19 pandemic.

Boston Medical Center’s Dr. Katherine Gergen Barnett discussed the real-world impact of corporations and big money on our health and wellness.

GBH's Callie Crossley, host of Under the Radar with Callie Crossley, discussed the announcement this week from the Department of Justice that Louisville Police Department routinely discriminates against Black residents. The Department of Justice investigated the police department in the wake of Breonna Taylor's killing in 2020.

Medical ethicist Art Caplan discussed the ethics of medical tourism. He’s the Drs. William F and Virginia Connolly Mitty Professor and founding head of the Division of Medical Ethics at NYU School of Medicine in New York City.

Sue O’Connell discussed Tennessee's push to revoke marriage equality. She's the co-publisher of Bay Windows and South End News, and contributor to Current, on NBC L-X and NECN.

We heard from the LGBT-centered chorus Coro Allegro for Live Music Friday, and spoke with Artistic Director David Hodgkins and Executive Director Yoshi Campbell.

We ended the show by opening the lines to hear from listeners about Daylight Saving Time — and allow Jim his annual commentary calling for it to be made permanent.