A number of issues have been plaguing the MBTA recently, including pulling new Orange Line trains from service, malfunctioning escalators, reduced schedules, derailments and collisions.

Boston residents and federal authorities alike are concerned. Last week, the Federal Transit Authority ordered the MBTA to take immediate action to address safety issues .

State Rep. William Straus said MBTA concerns and services disruptions were "sadly inevitable." He added, "What's coming up now in terms of the lack ... of confidence by the public is the need to redirect. It's not just all of the list of problems you've identified, but clearly a management culture approach, and misprioritization of safety."

Straus said advancements with the T cannot happen unless safety is taken care of first.

Former Massachusetts Secretary of Transportation Jim Aloisi, however, pushed back on that perception of safety culture within the MBTA. He said the T is safe and management cares about safety, but lacks resources and staffing.

"At the T, the folks who are in the trenches care about safety. What they need are the resources to get the job done. They don't have those resources," he told Jim Braude on Greater Boston.

Watch: MBTA safety concerns draw the attention of federal and state authorities, can it be fixed?