It started off small, and then it took off. A well-intentioned project to produce affordable personal protective equipment (PPE) for frontline workers has now created more than 7 million face shields that have been distributed in 40 states. We heard from the organizer, Dr. James Weaver, formerly of MIT and now a senior staff scientist at Harvard’s John A. Paulson School of Engineering and Applied Sciences.

Plus, GBH News reporter Cristina Quinn told us how local researchers are screening wastewater for evidence of coronavirus to help anticipate where spikes in cases might pop up.

Then, most colleges say they won’t automatically tell faculty if someone in their class tests positive for the virus, citing student privacy. Kirk Carapezza from GBH News' higher ed desk found that professors are worried about their own safety, and legal experts say professors and students should be wary of the privacy defense.

Lastly, we revisited a conversation with Cape Cod journalist Greg O'Brien about his experiences living with early-onset Alzheimer's Disease during the pandemic.


Dr. James Weaver - 1:28
Cristina Quinn - 9:09
Kirk Carapezza - 13:56
Greg O'Brien - 21:12