When tech guru Andy Ihnatko was a kid (presumably still sporting those iconic sideburns) he says there was only one thing that could get him up before the morning alarm for school.

"I used to live close enough to the town’s fire department that when I was a kid, from like first grade through high school… the one time I’d be awake a half-hour before the alarm [was] if I heard the fire horn two, three times before 7 a.m. — I’d go ‘Yes! Snow day!'"

As such, the tech writer said on Boston Public Radio Thursday that he was disappointed by news from earlier in June, that Rhode Island schools plan to use remote learning tools to do away with snow days altogether.

“Snow days the way we did them before are gone,” was the official word from Rhode Island Education Commissioner Angelica Infante-Green.

“The name of Infante-Green is now cursed into the skies all summer long,” Ihnatko joked. "What they’re saying is now, 'if there’s bad weather [and] they can’t open the schools, guess what? I hope it didn’t take out the broadband too — because you’re doing education by distance learning.’

"This is something that used to bind us all together as a culture. Ugh, I feel sorry for ‘em,” he said, of the students of Rhode Island.