As the coronavirus pandemic rages on, a trip to the supermarket is no longer mundane. And for those at high risk for COVID-19, what once was a simple errand is now a hazard. With that in mind, some people are now shopping not only for themselves, but for their loved ones.

Anthony Voto of Belmont has taken on shopping duties for his in-laws, who are in their 80s.

"It’s imperative that the village remembers, you have to help those that are elderly and infirm," Voto said. "There needs to be the hunter-gatherer in a family. I'm that person."

Voto gets groceries at the Star Market in Belmont's Waverly neighborhood. But at 54, shopping poses a risk for him, too.

"I have hyperstension," Votto said. "One of the leading causes of intubation is BMI [Body Mass Index] over 30. I do have BMI over 30."

Voto takes precautions. Beyond the mandatory mask, he wears gloves and a clear plastic visor that covers his entire face.

As he begins a recent Star Market shopping trip, he refers to a shopping list on his phone.

"With technology now it’s easier, because you can get the list from someone you love, so I know what I need," he said.

On this day, the store isn't too crowded, and most customers are playing by the rules — wearing masks, and doing the elaborate dance that's required to keep six feet apart while moving through the market. At times, Voto has to hug the side of the aisle to make way for other shoppers.

"You've got to try to stay away from the traffic," Voto said. "The problem is, it's really hard."

Voto approaches shopping for his in-laws the way he would prepare for a New England blizzard — he gets the essentials, like bread, milk and toilet paper.

Scanning the paper goods aisle, Voto spots what he thinks is toilet paper, but it turns out to be packages of napkins. He makes the same mistake with rolls of paper towels before finding the real thing, which happens to be in stock. Sticking to store policy — which specifies a limit of one per customer — he takes a single pack.

After a stop at the deli counter, Voto heads to check out, where stickers on the floor spaced six feet apart tell customers to keep their distance from one another.

After paying, he wheels his cart out to the parking lot and reflects on the reason he came to the store in the first place.

"I love the elderly," Voto said. "They are the foundation of this country and the world, and if they're not around, we're losing a great, great resource.