Rhode Island Gov. Gina Raimondo issued a strict stay-at-home order for the entire state Saturday, and banned any gatherings of more than five people in any public or private space.

In an effort to contain the coronavirus outbreak, the order states, "All Rhode Island residents are required to stay home unless traveling to work, traveling for medical treatment or obtaining necessities (food, medicine, gas, etc.). Rhode Island residents may still go outside to exercise and get fresh air, however, they must practice social distancing while outside and avoid touching surfaces frequently touched by others."

In addition, Raimondo directed all Rhode Island residents who work in other states to work from home if possible; if not possible, the worker must self-quarantine when not at work.

Like other states in the region including Massachusetts , the order requires anyone arriving in Rhode Island from out-of-state to self-quarantine for 14 days.

The order will remain in effect until at least April 12.

On Friday Raimondo said state police would be stopping cars with New York license plates and doing house-to-house searches to identify people who recently traveled from New York and ordering them to self-quarantine.