South Shore residents and climate activists plan to protest in the state Department of Environmental Protection's Lakeville office Wednesday as they continue to campaign against a Weymouth natural gas project greenlit by the Baker administration.

The Fore River Residents Against the Compressor Station group plans to "occupy the Massachusetts Department of Environmental Protection Southeast Regional Office, to call attention to the Department's failure to 'ensure clean air, land and water'" alongside members of local climate groups.

"MassDEP officials have refused to respond to calls and emails from residents reporting inconsistencies, discrepancies, and violations of the contamination plan for the ill-conceived Weymouth compressor station," FRRACS wrote.

Opponents have been escalating their criticisms since construction began on the compressor station in Weymouth last month. Several activists have been arrested either at the DEP's Boston offices or at the Weymouth site during protests.

After appeals, state environmental regulators awarded all necessary permits to energy giant Enbridge for the facility, finding that it met requirements and would not cause significant environmental or health effects.

The Federal Energy Regulatory Commission issued a notice to proceed, and members of the state's congressional delegation have called on the body to reconsider in light of questions about whether utility companies need the additional gas capacity from the compressor.