A former Boston University student sued the school for failing to protect her from a sexual assault she experienced while living on campus in 2015. The student alleged that an MIT student entered her dorm building and opened her unlocked bedroom door before he assaulted her in 2015. The school claimed that the student failed to protect herself by keeping her door unlocked and that it is not at fault for what happened.

During an interview with Boston Public Radio on Thursday, former Suffolk County sheriff and secretary of public safety Andrea Cabral, weighed in on the case and said that the victim should not shoulder the blame for the attack because she left her door unlocked.

“There are plenty of other policies in place and things in place that show that they recognize that students don’t always make the mature decisions of adults,” Cabral said. “The fact that they have all of those other things in place that acknowledge the maturity age of their students only to abandon that in the context of this lawsuit is also kind of shameful.”

Cabral is the CEO of Ascend Mass.