On April 30, Republicans across Massachusetts will head to
nine different spots
That’s where things gets interesting. If Trump gets the 1237 votes
Which makes Saturday’s caucuses a fascinating exercise in political gamesmanship. The Trump campaign would love every delegate chosen on Saturday to be a die-hard Trump fan, even if they’re obligated to back someone else in the first round of voting. Ted Cruz and John Kasich, meanwhile, would be thrilled if everyone who has to back Trump in round one deserts him at the earliest opportunity—and if a few of the delegates bound to Rubio join their ranks down the road. So the various campaigns are working to make sure that the caucus-goers they hope will turn out actually do (see, for example, this pro-Trump call to arms from state Rep. Geoff Diehl, the co-chair of Trump’s Massachusetts campaign).
It’s an esoteric, confusing process—but in this particular election cycle, it’s also important to understand. Hence, this brief overview of some lingering questions heading into the proceedings:
1. Will Mitt Romney’s anti-Trump activism matter? Former Massachusetts governor and GOP nominee Mitt Romney’s
When I asked state Rep. Jim Lyons, Cruz’s Massachusetts Campaign chairman, if Romney’s remarks will have any effect at the delegate caucuses, his response was blunt. “In my opinion, no,” Lyons said. “I haven’t heard it even brought up in the last two weeks with anybody I’ve been discussing the caucuses with.”
One reason: Romney hasn’t been a local political figure, as opposed to a national one, for years. Another reason: here and elsewhere, Romney’s anti-Trump broadside may actually have backfired. “Some Republicans here might be more motivated to vote for Trump—because Romney doing that was a sign of the establishment telling them what to do,” says a Republican insider. And if any local Republicans were feeling guilty about not heeding Romney’s anti-Trump call, the
2. Is Charlie Baker really as hands off as everyone says? And if so: why? The conventional wisdom says that even though the governor recently
strengthened his control of the state GOP
So why the laissez-faire approach? After all, Baker has made it clear on
“Republican governors in Massachusetts, or Republicans with statewide ambitions, have very little to gain by getting involved in national Republican politics in an overt way,” Ubertaccio says. After all, he notes, the hardcore Republican activists who turn out for events like the caucuses aren’t the people who get Massachusetts Republicans elected statewide. (That would be independent voters, many of whom are relatively moderate.)
What’s more, if Baker did decide to pull a Romney, and aggressively oppose Trump on principle, the state’s conservatives could make his life difficult down the road—say, by backing a primary challenger in the mold of Mark Fisher, who
ran at Baker from the right
3. So, how do these campaigns screen out would-be double agents? I’m using that dramatic phrase to refer, for example, to someone who might pass themselves off as a Trump supporter and win election as a delegate—then bolt to some anti-Trump alternative (Cruz? Kasich?
Paul Ryan
Actually, the answer here is pretty simple: the various campaigns are backing would-be delegates with a clear history of supporting their candidate—and steering away from anyone whose loyalty is dubious. As Lyons, Cruz’s MA campaign chairman, puts it: “We’re working to elect people who’ve been active [for Cruz] in the state.”
And if any would-be impostors are reading this, be forewarned: in the world of social media, you’ve been broadcasting your allegiance (or lack thereof) for months. “I’ve had people, just in the last week or so, come to me and say they want to be Trump delegates,” the aforementioned Trump loyalist says. “Knowing they hadn’t been to our campaign offices to help in the primary process, knowing they hadn’t reached out to Trump campaign staffers at all until this past week, and then looking at their Facebook timeline, which had no posts showing any indication of support for Donald Trump, made it very easy to weed out these folks.”
4. Will that Cruz-Kasich pact make any difference? Short answer: probably not. Longer answer: It’s been less than a week since the Ohio governor and Texas senator reached a deal to divvy up the remaining states on the electoral calendar in the hopes of stopping Trump. Almost immediately, there were signs of strain, with Kasich
So: not a big success so far, and highly unlikely to be a factor on Saturday. The last word here goes to the aforementioned Republican insider, who calls the Cruz-Kasich deal a “really weird alliance,” and adds: “Most of the delegates who are going to be picked [in Massachusetts] are people who are really tuned into politics, very opinionated, and most of them probably made up their minds in terms of who they want to support months and months ago.”