It's an argument many have made of late. The Globe's Matt Viser nailed it way back in October, when he declared, "Donald Trump has found his running mate: the media."
This week, the Huffington Post wrote about what it calls an "Epic Media Fail: How And Why Trump Trumped The Press." The piece, centered by criticism from Pulitzer Prize-winning historian Doris Kearns Goodwin, calls the whole thing a "journalism fiasco" and goes on to say:
"Trump deploys fame for fame's sake; taps into populist expressions of fear, hatred and resentment and shows a knack for picking fights and a braggarts focus on the horse race. All of which allow him to play into and exploit every media weakness and bad habit in a chase for audience and numbers."
Need an example? How about Trump's press conference last night, in which he spent about a half hour talking polls, avoiding tough questions and badmouthing the press.
"According to every single poll, I've won every debate," said Trump. "Fox is playing games. Megyn Kelly is a lightweight. They can'Ât toy with me like they toy with everybody else. So let them have their debate and see how they do with the ratings."
So are we all Trump enablers?
Harvard Kennedy School's Thomas Patterson ( @tompharvard) and The Boston Globe's Scot Lehigh ( @GlobeScotLehigh) discuss.